Open Question: Why are 3 hard drives 3 different prices ?

10:12 AM Posted by Anonymous

All three of those hard drives are identical in specs - with the only difference being the model number - which means they have a different control board.

Often a hard drive will stop working - and (at least on desktop models) you can replace the control board and they will begin working again... -- laptop models can not easily swap boards like that.

Likely what you are seeing is that Microcenter bought 1000 of the first hard drive at X price and listed them for sale at their flat markup price

Then they bought 500 of the second hard drive at Y price - and listed them at their flat markup price (and they must have paid a different price for these identical drives... so they are charging you a different price for them)

- They must not have a good inventory tracking comparing system.

Those are fair prices - and good warranty terms... Other places to get hard drives would be listed on I've been able to get 640gb drives for that price...

The only reason a hard drive would cost more - or less - would be because of:
1: Brand name
2: Warranty
3: RPM's
4: cache
5: height (some are taller and will not fit into a standard laptop)

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