Open Question: P.C. wont start up, no monitor activity, everything else fine...?

3:04 PM Posted by Anonymous

Today I switched out my liquid cooling system that cooled my cpu and video card for a silent fan system, with a new video card.
Everything installed fine, was on computer for almost an hour. Was playing Half Life, when all of a sudden it just shuts off. The system was a little warm, but not much.

I turn it on, and everything gets power. No BIOS screen. Fans spin, hard drive spins, lights on mobo turn on, power supply is good, video card is brand new and fan on that is spinning. No signal to the monitors at all.

I've been testing everything. Switched out the video card, still nothing. Re-seated the ram, tried unplugging the hard drive to see if I get a BIOS screen, but nothing. I don't think it's a mobo short circuit because I made special care when installing the brass risers onto the case. CD tray goes in and out fine.

I tried feeling the cpu heatsink after turning it on for a little while, and there isn't much of any heat being generated.

I have an nvidia 750i mobo, intel core 2 duo E8400, 4 GB OCZ Platinum series DDR2 ram, OCZ 700W psu.

I can't seem to narrow down what is causing this! It was working fine up until the middle of the game I was playing. Could it have gotten too hot? I have a 120mm front intake fan, two 120mm cpu fans in push pull configuration, and a 120mm rear exhaust fan. Granted they are all very quiet low speed fans, but there is a lot of air moving through the system.

HELP! I use this computer for audio recording and I need to get it back up and running!
Right now, my top 2 suspects are the motherboard or the hard drive... I doubt I could have fried the CPU, since I've heard it's very hard to do that and I've never overclocked it.


Motherboard post code on the back is FF, which is normal boot code.

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