Open Question: why should i get a laptop in college?

10:21 AM Posted by Anonymous


I am currently in college and I don't even know how I would managed without having a laptop of my own. In college there are a lot of papers to write and a lot of research to be done, and having a computer of your own in your dorm makes it so much easier to do you schoolwork. Some problems with computer labs on campus are having to wait to use the computers, not being able to save any of your wok on the computer (you will need a Flash drive which can be easily lost), and sometimes the labs have certain hours. There have been many nights where I am working on my computer into the very early horus of the morning and I would not have been able to do that in a lab. Having a laptop also makes scheduling easier because you will be able to be flexible and in control of when you do your homework and how you balance your work with your other college clubs and activities. College can be really busy and it is helpful to have a laptop to work with. I also don't like going outside too much after dark, so not having to walk between labs and my dorm is also very helpful.

I would also advise you to get a printer. There have been several occasions where I have gone to print something in the lab and the printer is out of paper or toner. A little printer in my room makes a world of difference. At some universities you have to pay per page to print, so having your own computer and printer may actually save you money over four years.

It is also a nice tool to be able to relax. I do like being able to browse the web at night before bed or video chat with my mom and dad in the evenings.

A laptop is definitely worth it. You can survive without it, but college is hard enough as it is and you should try to knock out any unnecessary difficulties.

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