Open Question: It burnt me, Is it dangerous?

6:55 AM Posted by Nadim

My charger gets fairly hot, which im used to. My laptop always gets a bit warm. But Its a Laptop, Y'know?

But Im a bit worried. My charger popped out when I shifted in my bed, and I accidentally rolled onto the tip with my bare leg, and it BURNED. Like, fresh outta the oven hot.

My laptop has been on all day, should I just turn it off, and see if it cools down, Ive been using it far longer than normal during the summer HAHA.

Or should I get it checked out? Like, will it hurt my laptop?

I don't have a warranty, nor the money to go to geek stop, Its not that simple.
((Im 15 and my mother is a high school graduate single mother, we and my brother live in a one bedroom and we don't have money to spare.))

I have a hp, not sure what model, its got like techno bubble designs, and silver stripes.

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