Open Question: Is 800x600 resolution being phased out?

10:02 AM Posted by Anonymous

Home >All Categories > Computers & Internet >Hardware >Monitors >Open QuestionAndrew Burgos Andrew Burgos Member since:October 06, 2010Total points:106 (Level 1)Hi everyone,
I was wondering I just got (end of last year) anew laptop with a GMA 4500m and while the native resolution is 1366x768 I like it better in 800x600 and because games work the best in that resolution, is it being phased out? Also what is low HD or standard? Is it 480p 720p 1080p?Answer Question

Evilsqirrel by Evilsqir... Member since:June 02, 2009Total points:377 (Level 2)first of all, 1024x768 has gone down to being the low standard, second, the computer monitors run off a different standard that is not descrobed my that. 800x600 would be equivalent to about 300p, or 300i if you have an ancient monitor. difference between 300p and 300i would be the way the screen displays the pixels. it displays them in order like line 1, then 2, then 3 if you are on the P scan(short for progressive scan.) I scan(interlaced scan) runs like line1,3,5,7 then go back and do 2,4,6,8.

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