Open Question: Computer Start Up Soooo Slow!?

6:25 PM Posted by Anonymous

I'm trying to work on my grandma's computer. It's a Toshiba Satellite, so it's not that great anyways, but it takes FOREVER to start up. All I've done is change some things on Start Up, install Malware Bytes, SpyBot, and AVG, and have just been running them. I'm pretty sure there is a virus on there somewhere, but regardless, it still takes forever for the computer to boot up, even to get Windows to start. When Windows has started, clicking on something takes :30-:45 seconds before anything happens.

What am I missing?

I am very aware that my grandma's computer is a piece of crap. On the other hand, they still that WebTV is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Literally. So this is a step up.

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