Open Question: Will I need to buy a completely new copy of Windows 7 for my new computer?

5:53 PM Posted by Anonymous

I'm building a new computer(First time building one myself) and I was wondering if I needed to buy a completely new copy of Windows 7. I have the disks still for the copy that I installed on my current computer, but I already used the authentication code, does that mean that it won't work on the new computer when it asks me for the new authentication code?

I'm putting an SSD in my new computer(along with a 1TB HDD) is it possible to just put Windows 7 from my current computer onto my new SSD and take it out and put it in my new computer? The only thing I want on my SSD is my OS and a couple other programs I want to run quickly the rest will go on my new HDD. It would save a lot of hassle though if I can just do a clean install of Windows 7 directly onto my new SSD in my new computer.

Thanks for the help in advance, sorry for being such a noob. =(

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