Open Question: Organizing folders on a USB Drive?

10:53 AM Posted by Anonymous

Hello, my name is Thomas, I am 13 and I will help you with your question. Because I'm a genius with computer tech support, all the way to folders like this questions all the way identifying computer parts and taking computers apart.

Back to the question:
1st Reason: Say you are organizing music into genre's. You can first make a music folder or use the preset folder that windows come's with, if you have windows. In that music folder, you can make genres for all the types of music that you have, most likely the computer will sort the genres out for you in the windows media player if you import all of your songs. That is one scenario that sub folders are good for organizing information.

2nd Reason: Say you were a college student and you were organizing all of your classes. You would make folders for all of the classes you are taking for that period of time. In those classes, you would most likely to sort things out by homework, essays, reports, projects, etc.

3rd Reason: You would be arranging a wedding and all of the sub folders would have the name of the people that are coming, and sub folders explaining if they are be able to attend, and etc.

My smart brains with technology and real life challenges. :)

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