Monday, March 03, 2025

Open Question: My Dell Deminsion 2400 cannot find any bootable devices?

9:29 PM Posted by Anonymous

Is the Hard drive jumpered correctly?

Your Dell 2400 is a minitower computer that used the older style IDE or PATA hard drives.

PATA drives must be correctly configuired mechanically by a jumper on the connector
end of the drive.

The three choices are "Master", "Slave", and "CS" or "Cable Select"

what complicates this further is that with IDE ribbon cables the same cable also connects to your Optical (CD/DVD) Drive

if you have a CS cable (there's usually a small punched hole in the cable)
and both drives are jumpered CS then they should both work.

Next if one is jumpered master the other must be jumpered slave.

Now to the next issue correctly turning on the drive channels in setup....

a Dell 2400 Mother Board has TWO IDE channels so will allow a total of FOUR drives to be connected

If your cable is connected to the wrong IDE header on the MoBo then the computer will not see the connected drives....


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