Open Question: laptop is having problems?
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??r ?I?hI? Member since:March 01, 2010Total points:1,580 (Level 3)The problem started with my computers screen going black and as time went on problems became worse i tried logging on my computer about a month ago and as soon as i did so it kept blue screening. After many attempts and system restores it magically started working i believe it wasn't. It gave me an option to boot from windows 7 and i did so and it worked again. After that my computer seemed to be doing well again. Then just yesterday i logged in and my computer was being very slow and wasnt responding so i tried task manager and it took forever then errored and then blue screened. I had a feeling something was wrong with my registry so i tried a registry cleaner and that also made my computer crash. After many attempts i just got mad and reloaded windows onto my computer. I started it up today and before it loaded everything it said something about it needed to check some memory thing on my disk C: so i let it check and restart i logged in all was well and i was playing a game and unplugged my computer and also had my mic plugged in and was going to move then my computer blue screened again. I kinda bumped the webcam usb a really not sure whats wrong with this computer :/ my only guesses left are my motherboard has gone to crap already (ive almost had this computer for a year now) or if my memory is corrupt...or maybe windows 7 is just really crappy never had this much trouble with XP. But anyway if someone could give me some suggestions i think i may just send it in for repair.Answer Question
by Tabby Member since:November 13, 2007Total points:15,141 (Level 6)I used to have an HP and afer about a year it started acting up also. It's like I could log on sometimes, but most of the time the screen just went black. I'd take it to a repair shop and for about $40 they can tell you what it is. Mine was the motherboard and because the particular model I had was known for that problem they didn't feel right about having me pay money to fix it so I took it home and went out and bought another brand.

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