Open Question: if i reset my laptop to factory settings?
Method I:
If you are a Windows XP user, you can simply restart or start your computer to enter the Windows log-on screen. Press 'Ctrl+Alt+Del' twice and the classic Windows log-on screen will appear. Type 'administrator' into the user name text box and leave the password text box blank, and then hit 'Enter' to log on your computer. This method could be only used on the basis that you havn't set any password for the default administrator account.
Method II:
1) Reboot the computer into Safe Mode. Additional information about getting into Safe
2)When logging into Safe Mode you should be prompted with an option to what account you wish to use. Select the Administrator account. If prompted for a password try simply pressing Enter on the keyboard for no password. If this does not work, try other passwords you may have used. If you're unable to log into the Administrator account skip to the next suggestion.
3) Once you've logged into the Administrator account open Control Panel and User Accounts.
4) In User Accounts select the account you wish to change the password for, click change password and then enter the new password or click remove the password to remove the password from the account.
Method III:
You can try to recover your windows password by using Password recovery softwares such as "OPHcrack" or "offline NT password".
The below link has the complete information of how to use OPHcrack software to recover your windows password.
Visit "" ----> Download the ISO file----> Burn it to CD----> Boot your Laptop from the CD by setting the CD drive as the first boot device in the boot sequence.
In case if you face any problem following the above troubleshooting steps we recommend you to visit our website “ “.
IJINNI Technical Expert.
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