Open Question: Epson printer is having ink issues....?

1:01 AM Posted by Anonymous

Epson is crap, not to troll, but it really seems to be a scam! The epson printer I own will not let you print anything even when only one cartridge is "empty." The cartridge doesn't have to be empty it just has to have been used around 125 times. The printer cartridges are using computer chips in them to keep count of how often they are being used, so the setting you use to make the ink more or less used may not make a difference in the amount of times the cartridge can be used. Put the settings on high quality 125 prints, put the settings on low quality, still 125 prints. If you refill the ink before putting in a new chip, it will still register as being empty even though its full. I was planning on getting a kit to just reset the number on these chips from amazon but it was around 50 dollars. Also the chips are specific for the different printers, so if the cartridge fits but the chip doesn't fit the printer model, then it is useless. I bought a cheaper Epson ink and the cartridge fit but it wouldn't work because the chip was different.

I suggest you see if the numbers on the computer chips of your cartridges match, if not that may be the problem.

If just one cartridge is empty then it won't print.

Make sure the printer is in correctly and maybe clean the head of the computer chip so ti can register.

I would suggest eventually getting a printer that doesn't use the computer chips in its cartridges.

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