Open Question: What Macbook is preferable for Valve games?
I'm going off to college in the coming months, and the big thing I need is a new laptop. I know I shouldn't exactly be looking at "gaming" laptop because it's "not what it's meant for". However, I plan on going into Game Production, so I kinda need it. What I've been looking into is a Macbook for both it's functionality and usability (compared to Windows for specific applications) and one of the things I'd like, is if it would be able to play games. I'm not talking it needs to play Crysis at 1080p with all the details on high.
My biggest preference is it to be able to play Valve games like Portal 2, with relative ease, and if not that the Orange Box at the least. I understand it's not a machine for gaming but I haven't had a PC that could play those games at all anyway.
I've been looking into the 15" Macbook Pro but if anyone can help me out that'd be awesome.
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